Wednesday, May 6, 2009

That Girl Again

A few days ago, I was at the doctor's office when I heard a couple of kids squeal in the hallway, the distinctive sound of crutches on the carpet, and into the waiting room came a little girl in KAFOs on crutches.

With her was her mom, her baby sister and her younger brother. The mom settled the kids down and they behaved beautifully. In fact, I don't think I've ever seen such well-behaved children before.

I smiled at them and went back to my magazine. I kept my eyes on the paper although I wanted very much to study the girl's braces. When she came in, I saw from the corner of my eye thermo-plastic with sturdy aluminum or stainless steel joints.

It wasn't long before I was called, so left, the little girl nearly forgotten. She was somewhere on the edge of my consciousness and I couldn't figure out why she was still here.

This morning, I realized that she was the new version of the little girl on the palomino that I saw so many years ago. It was so odd. It was as if a circle had been completed.

But if it was completed, why am I still having such a problem with my urges to go out crutching in public? This has been a problem with me lately. Although I've been away from this blog for a long time, my interests, my wishes, my desires have not left me.

What does it mean, I ask myself. What does it mean?

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