Thursday, July 9, 2009

I Cannot and Will Not Hook You Up

If there are male devs who read this, please keep it to yourself. Do not IM me. Do not email me. Do not comment on this blog. Do not pass go and do not collect $200.

I was contacted via IM today by someone who asked me if I'm disabled and then asked me if I could refer him to a chick with a disability.

This was creepy and slightly disgusting. I've now had direct experience with why male devs are regarded with suspicion.

You know, generally I'll talk to anybody about anything. But this guy went right to the heart of the matter and the third IM he sent me asked me about my disability and if I'm a wheeler.

When I've chatted via IM with guys with disabilities, the disability rarely features in the conversation. It's more of 'what kind of person are you, what do you like to do, how's life treating you' than 'please tell me the level of your SCI, whether you have sensation or not and what adaptive equipment you use.'

Please, there are web sites for that. Go off with your icky friends and play your icky games there.

And what makes you think my gurlfrens need or want to talk to the likes of you?


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