Friday, August 28, 2009

It May Be All in My Head, But It's Not Where You're Looking

Last night during a progress report call to my shrink, I told him that BIID has been especially strong in me lately. "In fact," I said, "I'm looking into buying a wheelchair."

A silence. A horrified one? Then he sighed and said, "I was hoping the Lexapro would take care of the OCD."

I silently screamed, It's not OCD!

He asked me if I'd been going to a therapist. I told him I had but at that particular time BIID was not troublesome. Dr. Therapist is slightly aghast at BIID and has cautioned me more than once about buying a chair. Luckily, I don't go to see Dr. Therapist to deal with BIID.

Dr. Shrink suggested I come see him next week. I will, but suspect I already know the outcome. He will see BIID as a bad thing.

I don't know if wheeling is my karmic destiny, but I do know that I want to attempt some time at it, in a chair that fits. I went to NYC last spring and rented a chair at a museum but fit me it did not, no matter that the experience was generally a good one. Actually, it seemed perfectly natural.

What I want is a doctor to write a Rx for a chair for me. I don't know how else to get what I'm looking for.

The one experience I had with someone trying to sell / give me a used chair made me more than slightly uneasy.

If you have any handy tips, please send them on their way. In the meantime, I have a feeling I'll be spending enough money on Dr. Shrink and Dr. Therapist to pay for a pretty fine used chair. Gah.

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