Saturday, January 30, 2010

Concerning Doors and Floors

Oh, right, like I could wait until Sunday to do this again. Actually, considering my weekend schedule, Friday night looked like the best time to go for a spin.

What I had forgotten was that on Friday night, the mallrats come out in force. They travel in packs and their movements are unpredictable and erratic.

Weeknights, then, would be a good time to go out and about.

Regarding Doors - Everyone Wants to be Galahad
The doors for Anonymous Mall aren't great but they aren't terrible, either. There's a wheelchair entrance of one door, with the big square button to push. The sills aren't raised. It's easy to get into. The Anonymous Bookstore, on the other hand, is a stone bitch. Yet, I managed. I had to leave the mall to get into the bookstore.

Honestly, the only attention I pay to people is to make sure no one is darting in front of my path, which would end badly for both of us.

But as I approached the bookstore's doors, two guys ran ahead of me to get the door for me. While I appreciate the gesture, it isn't necessary. I grabbed the first door, shot through it and as someone was getting ready to hold open the second door, I opened it and used the door jambs to shoot on through. I heard a disappointed little "oh" behind me.

"Got it, thanks," I called over my shoulder.

The same thing happened as I re-entered the mall.

But the worst door, the almost insurmountable yet most vital door, was the one leading into the ladies' room. I'm sure it has to open inward to the bathroom to meet some kind of code, but the way this one was positioned was just a pain.

Otherwise, no problems.

Ceramic tile = Evil.
Padded carpet = Evil.
Unpadded carpet = Better.
Plain old floor, such as linoleum or wood = Whee!
Smooth cement = Watch my dust.

But you probably already knew that.

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