Saturday, February 6, 2010

Limits to Mobility

I'm at home today and likely will be tomorrow, too. Where I live is smack in the middle of Snowmageddon. There are about eight inches on the ground right more and probably at least another four to come.

My wheels likely would not be happy in this, any kind of wheels.

But here's something else - I probably couldn't wheel today. I have arthritis in my right hand that is normally managed down to annoyance level, but today, it hurts all the way up to my elbow. I've also got some kind of strained or pulled muscle in my shoulder. All told, I can't do much with my right arm at all today.

These things happen. There are some days when you have no choice but to stay close to home.


Your Illinois Buddy said...

Be nice. I'm always nice!

Anyway, you should be outside developing strong arms by shoveling snow, instead of whining about your wrist and a bad book about a missing Russian hideaway. Good gimps never complain, they just soldier on..

Oh, I guess I'm not always nice after all. Winter does that to you sometimes....:)

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