Wednesday, January 20, 2010


It's sitting in my bedroom, the Quickie 2 wheelchair that arrived yesterday. I put most of it together, but not being mechanically-minded, I was stymied by one back post. I'll deal with it later, but want it dealt with by the weekend.

Because yes, that's when I'm taking my first trip with my chair.

My chair. My wheelchair.

Although one of my cats would disagree...

I was mortified to find that it is a bit of a squeeze to fit into it, but tell myself this should prove an incentive to fit into it better. (We don't say the "d" and "e" words here, although we think them, frequently)

And it's mine.

Someone had loaned me his for a good long while, but I thought I was keeping it in storage for him. As such, I didn't regard it as something I could play fast and loose with, although I did roll around the house a little bit with it. There was something about that chair - I never felt comfortable in it.

This one, I do. And we will begin our adventures together very soon. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Your Illinois Buddy said...

Go for it! Hope it works for you too.