Sunday, July 29, 2012

You Know Who I Am

I've been to a couple of consumer and trade shows that deal with DME. I went to buy some new gear for my chair and also to check out that the chair back was appropriate for me (It is. All Nature rejoices.). I also went to buy some items that could help with pain because at the time I was dealing with pretty bad back pain.

There must be some secret code, maybe a secret handshake among the sellers, I don't know. Or perhaps I'm being paranoid. But one person in particular, I'm fairly sure he knew I have BIID.

Mostly, no one asks questions unless they're actually physically fitting and measuring you for a chair. When I was in the process of getting a new to me but used chair, I got some questions about the typical use I make of my chair and level of injury. (I only use it when I want to cover long distances. L1 due to a cycling accident which makes me sound way more badass than I am.)

There may be knowing looks. I have no idea if these guys go back to the hotels around the convention center and exchange stories. I suspect they go out for a couple of drinks, some dinner, then fall into bed because they know tomorrow is another day or tomorrow is another day when they have to schlep everything back into various trailers.

They may know who I am, but they don't call me out on it. Because I am jaded, I think it's because my money is as good as anyone else's, including Medicare.

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